It’s that time again. It sends some into a feverish sweat, others into convulsions of excitement and for fragile people like myself, into anxious breakdowns. Yup. Hottest 100 voting time.
Australia’s leading alternative radio station, Triple J, has launched its annual countdown again; the biggest music democracy to rule the airwaves. Citizens from both Australia and around the globe are invited to pick their top ten tracks from the year just gone, 2012. And, my my, what a task it is.
Whilst voting, I greedily selected an abundance of beloved tracks, only to realise that I had forty tracks too many. The most difficult part lay there in, with me carefully and painfully extracting my absolute favourites. Keyboards were hit, headaches formed and tears shed. Here are the results.
- Ball Park Music – Surrender
One of my favourites from their sophomore album, Museum, this sweeping song is simply swell, *alliteration fistpump*.
- The Black Keys – Little Black Submarines
Seeing this performed live was an absolutely breath taking experience that I will never forget. This band can do no wrong.