Wednesday’s Confessionals (WeFess) – I’m starting a new string of posts dedicated to “that one song” that reminds us of a certain place, incident, or person that happened in our lives. Every Wednesday, I will post and share a different song with you. I will focus more on the particular song than the overall artist. I’m doing so because unlike my regular posts, not only will I post a song, but I will confess a story (most likely an embarrassing anecdote) to go along with it. Each week will have a new topic and confession. Indeed, our pain will be your entertainment. Also, I apologize in advance for all the randomness that may occur, and please, don’t be frightened by the songs posted on WeFess. They won’t bite. Promise.

(Notes on) Biology [Robot Elephant]


So I know we’re a music blog and generally we post music (duh!), but I love other wacky, weird, and viral things. I absolutely love drawings, creativity, and creative drawings in videos. Danny Madden is an NYC-based animator and director — if you haven’t head of him, you will soon. This short piece is exactly what I love about Robot Elephants! Check it out, it’ll be the best six minutes of your day. Make sure to listen with headphones to get the dramatic feel of all things blowing up.

For more videos, check out their Vimeo.

Random Reader Post: Gunther – Ding Ding Dong


You know those nights where you feel like you have nothing to do and all conversations sound dull? By the way, have you noticed that I start most of my posts with a question? Why do I always ask questions that I know you guys really don’t have to answer? Should I keep on going with the questions? Answer me!

Alright, enough fooling around. For this post, I asked some of our readers to a post a song on our Facebook page and I’ll make a post on it. Some douchebag thought it would be funny to post Gunther’s