Jessica Chapnik Kahn has a certain mystique as she glides through life, encrusted with glitter as the spiritual creation of Appleonia. OH! is her first album of her own material, and thanks to Vittoria Coffee, can be downloaded for free here. With each download, its value in food will be donated to OZ Harvest for those in need. Free music equating to charitable free food? What is stopping you?
Single ‘Lost At Sea’ is a highlight from OH! A slice of shimmering indie pop that soars with an unbelievably catchy chorus hook, it reeled me in. The accompanying video depicts an unconventional take on a flash mob in an underground subway station. If you want to have an idea of what my dance moves are like, you must look no further. Like all flash mob videos, it warms my heart to toasty temperatures and makes me want to get groovy in the public domain. Try Appleonia out for yourself below.