Only 84 days remaining until Coachella and today we have music from Two Door Cinema Club. Two Door Cinema Club consists of four Irish mates (ha, mates) with an electro rock/pop tune. TDCC is easily one of my most favorite bands to listen to. I only have five bands/artists that have their own playlist on my iPod: Tupac, XV, Jack Johnson, Wale, and Two Door Cinema Club; that’s it.
Two Door Cinema Club released their debut album, Tourist History, in April of last year and have been touring the globe non-stop. I was fortunate enough to attend one of their US shows in Los Angeles and it was one of the best nights ever. Along with their debut album, they recorded an EP and altogether, they have only 16 songs. The band is also featured on a few Kitsune Maison (their record label) mixes. I first heard of the band through the Kitsune Maison 7 Minimix. I would post every TDCC song but I’ll leave you guys with my four favorite tracks: “What You Know,” “I Can Talk,” and click for the next page to check out my two non-stop repeat songs; “Undercover Martyn,” and “This Is The Life.”
Two Door Cinema Club – I Can Talk
Two Door Cinema Club – What You Know